Friday, March 21, 2008

The human psyche...

will always amaze me.

How people can be so ignorant, enough so, to believe that there isn’t something bigger out there. That they are the epicenter of the universe. That their problems, beliefs, and successes are omnipotent.
Sadly, I’m not talking about just one person. I’m talking about a large mass of people. How can this be so, in a day and age where there is so much going on? We have war, strife, sadness, looming devastation. <-- Those are just the negatives. We also have sunrises to look forward to, love, humanity, miracles of nature and life. Surely one human’s existence can’t trump all those things, in addition to the things I haven’t mentioned.
We need to release ourselves from our selfish realities and open ourselves up to the universe. Only then can we see what is truly important.

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